(This pic is of us at the airport sending him back on a plane to Iraq, Very hard to do, oh and it was really early that morning please excuse my hair)!
This coming up Monday, will mark a year (in our earth time) that Chad has been in Paradise. And man, do we miss him. That is such a understatement. Our family is incomplete down here without him. But we all know, that we will be with him again and it will be forever, no more sadness, no more death, no more evil and no more goodbyes!! See Chad is one of those people who knew how to really live life. He was a morning person, he loved nature and all the beauty that comes with it. He appreciated it. He was very artistic. I mean he could draw or paint anything without a flaw in it. Oh he is my perfect Chad. My perfect brother. He has so many friends that LOVE him to pieces. There were so many people at his visitation, that they had to cut the line. I saw hundreds of grown men cry like babies. Their was not many dry eyes. His funeral was so beautiful. Just like him. Chad is a very "pretty guy". All the girls have always been so crazy about him. But his soul was and IS even more gorgeous. So I ask you all to please pray for my sweet mom and daddy as Monday approaches. Oh how they love and miss their baby Chad.
**P.S. James 1:27 is on my heart like you wouldn't believe, Ill talk more about that soon, and thanks for those of you who always ask my how I'm doing. I have made some very sweet friends through this blog, and I know I have been horrible at posting, but grieving for my brother has been so difficult. Just when I think I can accept him being gone, I have a break down. I quit my bunko group that I was in for going on 5 years, I just closed up and somewhat pushed away feelings of being happy. But I'm getting there. Cooper is my saving grace. Thank you Jesus for my baby boy.